Don’t miss this in Mount St. Helens

Things to to near Mount St. Helens

Mount St. Helens made headlines around the world with its massive eruption on May 18, 1980. It was one of the most intense volcanic eruptions in U.S. history, leaving behind a landscape that seemed almost otherworldly. But over the years, nature has been working its magic, and today, Mount St. Helens stands as a symbol of nature’s resilience.


Explore the numerous hiking trails around Mount St. Helens, ranging from easy walks to challenging treks. Don’t miss the breathtaking views from Johnston Ridge Observatory.

Visitor Centers:

Learn about the geology, ecology, and history of Mount St. Helens at one of the area’s visitor centers. They offer exhibits, films, and ranger-led programs to enhance your understanding of the volcano.

Scenic Drives:

Take a leisurely drive along the scenic byways surrounding Mount St. Helens. Enjoy panoramic views of the volcano and its surroundings from the comfort of your car.

Wildlife Watching:

Keep an eye out for wildlife such as elk, deer, birds, and even the occasional black bear as you explore the area. Remember to maintain a safe distance and observe animals without disturbing them.


Capture the stunning landscapes and natural beauty of Mount St. Helens through photography. From sweeping vistas to delicate wildflowers, there’s no shortage of subjects to photograph.

Volcano Viewing:

Marvel at the immense power of nature by observing the crater and lava dome of Mount St. Helens up close. Witness firsthand the ongoing process of volcanic regeneration.

Interpretive Trails:

Walk interpretive trails that provide insight into the ecological and geological significance of Mount St. Helens. Learn about the plants, animals, and geological features that call this area home.


Extend your stay by camping in designated campgrounds near Mount St. Helens. Spend the night under the stars and wake up to the sounds of nature in this unique and beautiful landscape.

Educational Programs:

Participate in educational programs offered by park rangers and naturalists to deepen your understanding of Mount St. Helens and its impact on the surrounding environment.


On clear nights, take advantage of the dark skies around Mount St. Helens for some spectacular stargazing. Marvel at the Milky Way and countless stars twinkling overhead in this remote and pristine location.